Friday, November 20, 2009

Weekend Reflections

Usually you can trust a reflection to reflect the objects or subject as it is. However, this is not the case of this gull. The gull appears to have its beak open in the reflection, whereas in reality the gull's beak remained closed.... strange?!Please click on the photo to see an enlarged version.
To learn more about weekend reflections and perhaps post your own go to:Weekend reflections


James said...

That is so cool! It's very interesting they way it's distorted.

For some reason your link wasn't working, maybe because you linked to your blog instead of this specific post. I changed it and it seems to work fine now.

me ann my camera said...

Thank you James. Iwas in error, I had linked it to my blog rather than the specific post.So, for next week I will know to do it correctly.

Kat said...

What a great capture! Very interesting effect. Kathy

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful photo. The open beak is probably caused by the curve in the ripple, water can create some amazing effects.
The Road to Here

Anonymous said...

What a delicious reflection. The water has such a feeling of liquidity and presence.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

That's pretty neat.Good eye on your part to see and then capture that.

chrome3d said...

Freaky, the water must have reflected the true nature of that birdy. Calm at surface but there is a beast inside. Probably.

Becky said...

That's really a cool observation Ann. I'm not sure I would have spotted it.

me ann my camera said...

I relly ca,'t be credited with seeing it when I took the photo. I only noticed it when looking over my pictures after downloading.

FO - 2 said...

Very nice reflection.
The ripples in the water gives more life to the picture also. Great! :)

Thérèse said...

A very nice effect. Mercury of water? :-)

Mary said...

Neat reflection! It does look like the bird's beak is open. Maybe his reflection is talking to him :-)

Anonymous said...

I like how the rippling water has distorted the reflection. Neat photo!

Bonjour Luxembourg said...

It's really adorable and I'm also enchanted by your picture header!
Happy weekend reflections
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a cool reflection! I love your header photo too.

Quasi Serendipita said...

Great picture!

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

What a FUN shot ;-)
LOVE the reflections and colors in your BEAUTIFUL header too!
Hugs and blessings,

Kingsdowner said...

Very good!
Clever of you to judge the precise moment to shoot!