more wildflowers in bloom: Rhodora and Wild Strawberry Blossoms
I had learned something new last spring! The name of these beautiful, rosy, purplish flowers. I remember watching for these flowers every year as a child to come into bloom. I had always known them as June flowers.I think thats what everyone around here called them. A couple of years ago I searched for their name, finding nothing named June flowers. So now, its almost June and look what I found yesterday, my old misnamed June flowers. What a lovely delight when I came across them. How wonderful to find my old floral seasonal friends again, It is thai sort of experience that makes me think of the 'loyalty of nature.. During March, 2010 I had bought a new book titled: Wildflowers of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island by Mary Primrose and Marian Munro, published by:Formac Publishing Company Limited, Halifax. At that time my husband was browsing through the book when he came upon my previously misnamed June Flowers., and thus we discouvered these rosy purplish blossoms were called Rhodora.(Rhododendron canadense) It is a wiry shrub found in roadside ditches, swamps and bogs, growing to be about a meter or more high. The* Rodora plant is closely related to ornamental Azaleas and Rhododendrons.
I would predict that there is going to be a good crop of Wild Strawberries this year. . Their blossoms are everywhere.
The roadsides appear to be carpeted with their blossoms!How beautiful is their sighting!
Nice post on the wildflowers, I think I saw some similiar flowers on my walk this weekend.
We have a lot of strawberries, too! They usually get eaten by chipmunks or birds before we get to sample them, but that's ok! Their white blossoms look like beautiful starry ground constellations as I walk among them!
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